Naturama's board
Naturama is a self-governing institution with its own Board of Directors.
In January 2013 Naturama enters a cooperative agreement with Fjord&Bælt in Kerteminde. A science and research center with a focus on marine mammals.
January 2008 Naturama became a self-governing institution with its own board.
The current board:
Formand, Dekan ved Det Naturvidenskabelige Fakultet, SDU Marianne Holmer
Næstformand, Direktør, Tietgen, Annette Vilhelmsen
Borgmester i Svendborg Kommune, Bo Hansen
Borgmester i Kerteminde Kommune, Kasper Olesen
Lektor, Tietgenskolen, Toke Halskov Kristensen
Leder, Biologisk Institut SDU, Gary Banta
2. Viceborgmester, Svendborg Kommune, Mette Kristensen