What is Naturama
Naturama is a dissemination and knowledge center, with nature in focus. Our mission is to "inspire nature conservation".

An active and energetic communication center
Naturama has a long history as a natural history museum. Going all the way back to 2 June 1935 when Harald Thomsen creates the Zoological Museum.
In 2005, the museum changes its name to NATURAMA in connection with the inauguration of a new large museum building. Parts of the original exhibition, with the so-called "dioramas" can still be seen at Naturama (a diorama is a display showing the stuffed animals in an artful and picturesque environment).
Today, NATURAMA has a wide range of presentations ranging from the huge collection of stuffed animals at sea, on land and from the air, to special exhibitions that push the boundaries of what a natural history museum can offer.
Our biologists and nature guides also offer a wide range of engaging teaching. The teaching is a mixture of activities, practical exercises and demonstrations. All teaching is adapted to level and age.